Monday, May 4, 2009

Twatter What!?

So about this infamous twitter? I'm not too sure what to think of it yet.
NO. I have not signed up for it, for many reasons it’s probably not a good idea.

For example, do people really wanna know about every time I investigate my crime scene, or if am sooo bored at work i’m debating trying to urinate on small woodland creatures for amusement? None the less as amazing as I know my posts would be to the world (possibly at my misfortune).

I’m more terrified at what I may write while intoxicated, like it's not hard enough not to drunk dial or text people!

Throw in a whole new way to be a drunkin and or bored douchemuffin to the mix; would that really be a good idea?

Although I could boast about how awesome my Canucks are at kicking ass and taking names, while I wish that I was there spilling beer on small children, and molesting people with my foamy finger.

With my luck like last Saturday the Canucks will lose their mojo, and get their asses handed to them. Where the twitter comments could possibly stop, for I was perhaps arrested for getting in a pissing contest with a Chicago fan (literally),or being uber hammered, or losing my pants (because of a bet of course) OR all above.

Decisions Decisions I Know!

P.S. Canucks, don’t worry I’m not mad at you, I’m just disappointed.


  1. But can you spell your name on the woodland creatures with you pee?

  2. I will never Twit. Isn't that what Facebook is for? I'm enough of a Twat with that thing as it is.
